重要ニュース ホンダ、日産の経営統合に向けた検討 マーケット環境<各国・地域別の販売台数予測>2023年実績時点で中国が世界最大の市場。将来も中国の市場規模が最大の見込みですが、人口増加・経済成長を背景にインド、東南アジア、中東・アフリカ諸国の販売台数が増加する見込み。国/地域販売台数(万... 2025.01.06 重要ニュース
基礎知識 個別株式投資 一般的にはインデックス投資が最適とは思いますが、「投資」の理解を深める為に個別投資についても感覚を養って行ければと思います。各国のGDP、人口推移(参考):国連、IMF、世界銀行等<各国GDP予想>民間消費はGDPの50%~70%占める。現... 2024.12.26 基礎知識
基礎知識 簿記論・財務諸表論 企業の公表情報を理解する上で会計は重要な知識です。スタディングで学んだ内容を活かしていければと思います。会計とは:ある経済主体が行う経済活動を、貨幣額を用いて認識・測定し、その結果を報告書にまとめて利害関係者に伝達するためのシステム。会計に... 2024.12.09 基礎知識
USCPA-FAR USCPA (FAR) – (32) Governmental Accounting Overview, Fund Structure and Fund Accounting I would like to record about the key points of the US CPA exam content.<Create and note the points based on mainly Becke... 2024.07.25 USCPA-FAR
USCPA-FAR USCPA (FAR) – (31) Not-for-Profit Transfer of Assets and Other Accounting Issues I would like to record about the key points of the US CPA exam content.<Create and note the points based on mainly Becke... 2024.07.23 USCPA-FAR
USCPA-FAR USCPA (FAR) – (30) Not-for-Profit Revenue Recognition I would like to record about the key points of the US CPA exam content.<Create and note the points based on mainly Becke... 2024.07.22 USCPA-FAR
USCPA-FAR USCPA (FAR) – (29) Not-for-Profit Financial Reporting I would like to record about the key points of the US CPA exam content.<Create and note the points based on mainly Becke... 2024.07.21 USCPA-FAR
USCPA-FAR USCPA (FAR) – (28) Income Taxes I would like to record about the key points of the US CPA exam content.<Create and note the points based on mainly Becke... 2024.07.20 USCPA-FAR
USCPA-FAR USCPA (FAR) – (27) Statement of Cash Flows I would like to record about the key points of the US CPA exam content.<Create and note the points based on mainly Becke... 2024.07.16 USCPA-FAR
USCPA-FAR USCPA (FAR) – (26) Partnerships I would like to record about the key points of the US CPA exam content.<Create and note the points based on mainly Becke... 2024.07.14 USCPA-FAR